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Kerberos authentication and HTTP header size

Introduction The last 4 years I have worked with developers to use modern Identity protocols like (SAML, OAuth, OIDC) on ADFS, Azure AD Enterprise Applications, Azure Application Proxy or G Suite for their applications. But from time to time I come over applications that cannot use ADFS or Azure AD etc, and the last time happened just before Christmas when I was working with a customer who had problems with SSO.

Multi-valued attributes with AD Connect and Azure AD

Introduction I was working with a use case on adding multi-value attributes for dynamic groups in Azure AD. I started off looking for on-prem AD attributes we could use for the multi-value string. To find these attributes I start PowerShell to get the AD Schema loaded. $schema =[DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectorySchema]::GetCurrentSchema Next step was to add which optional attributes (muli-value) that I could use for testing. To filter the attributes I use the Powershell command below.

Connecting your on-premises lab to Azure with Azure Site-to-Site VPN

Introduction When running VM’s in the cloud you need to consider cost as part of your lab. And since running compute in Azure and AWS could be costly when you need to run your ADFS, AD Connect, AD and SQL etc 24/7, it’s still practical to have a lab on-prem. This article will go through the steps on how you can get your hybrid lab up and running with site-2-site VPN tunnel to Azure using pfSense.